Seollal, also known as the Korean Lunar New Year, is a time of celebration and tradition in South Korea. During this time, families gather to pay respect to their ancestors, enjoy traditional food and games, and welcome in the new year with hope and positivity. In 2023, Seollal will fall on February 12th and it is the year of the Rabbit, the fourth animal in the Chinese zodiac, known for its calm and peaceful nature.
One of the most important traditions of Seollal is the ancestral rite, where families visit their ancestors' graves and perform ceremonies to honor and remember them. They also prepare traditional foods such as tteokguk, a rice cake soup, that are believed to bring luck and longevity.
Another significant tradition is the Seollal games, which are played by both young and old. The most popular games include yutnori, a board game that is similar to the game of luck, and ssireum, a traditional Korean wrestling. These games are believed to bring good fortune and strengthen bonds between family members.
To fully experience the culture and tradition of Seollal and Korea, you can order our traditional box or culture box! Our Traditional Box includes traditional Korean snacks and goodies, while our Culture box includes a curated selection of items that will give you a deeper understanding of Korean culture with cute little memorabilia and snacks. It's a great way to learn more about the country and its customs and traditions, and also makes for a great souvenir for friends and family.
Overall, Seollal is a time of celebration, tradition and family. It's a great opportunity to experience the rich culture and customs of Korea. By ordering our Traditional Box or Culture Box, you can learn more about the country and its customs, and take a piece of the experience back home with you.